Cautam astazi materiale pentru un articol si imi trebuia data oficiala la care a aparut Adsense. Ca urmare, dupa cateva sapaturi, am ajuns la press-releasul initial, pe care il gasiti aici.
Website publishers that already serve ads on their pages can use Google AdSense to complement their existing advertising and reduce unsold inventory. Additionally, publishers that do not currently display online advertising can integrate Google’s targeted ads with minimal effort. Publishers apply online and once approved by Google for participation in the program have instant access to Google’s network of search advertisers – comprising more than 100,000 advertisers, ranging from large global brands to small and local businesses. This depth and breadth of advertisers provides publishers with ads that are highly relevant to their content, even if it is specialized.
Cine s-ar fi gandit atunci ca AdSense va genera revolutia site-urilor de content?