In ultima vreme am o activitate redusa pe Twitter. Facebook nu are chiar aceeasi soarta pentru ca ma intereseaza pentru un proiect pe limba engleza si testez tot felul de chestii.
Am gasit astazi un articol al lui Leo Laporte care, cumva, sustine ceea ce am zis in ultima vreme: blogul a devenit o destinatie, un loc unde mergem sa vedem ce se intampla acum 4-5 ani, sa recitim ce eram atunci pentru a aprecia (sau nu) ce am devenit.
I should have been posting it here all along. Had I been doing so I’d have something to show for it. A record of my life for the last few years at the very least. But I ignored my blog and ran off with the sexy, shiny microblogs. Well no more. I’m sorry for having neglected you Leoville. From now on when I post a picture of a particularly delicious sandwich I’m posting it here. When I complain that Sookie is back with Bill, you’ll hear it here first. And the show notes for my shows will go here, too.
Cititi articolul, merita! (via, gasit pe Facebook, la Lavinia)