In ultima vreme aud iar intrebari despre retelele de bloguri, opinii, si tot felul de discutii, mai ales de cand Adsense afiseaza clar reclame pe site-uri in limba romana.
Uitandu-ma (in sfarsit) peste feedurile mele (nu am mai citit nimic de vreo doua saptamani), am dat de doua posturi ale lui Jeremy Wright, in care explica cum sunt platiti bloggerii care scriu in b5 media si, in acelasi timp, face si o analiza a castigurilor bloggerilor din diferite retele si independenti.
The harsh reality is that it takes 4-6 months for a blogger who is truly trying (ie: working a few hours a day) to get to “coffee money†(ie: 3$/day, ie: 100$/month). It’s not that it’s impossible. It’s that even with all of the fantastic information out there, it still requires traffic, visibility, design, hosting, platform tweaks, reading and emailing other blogs, etc. Before you even write, it’s not unusual for a blogger to spend 20+ hours/month on menial things.
During that 4-6 months that a blogger is building their earnings, a blogger will earn about 250-300$ (just using a standard averages curve). During the same 6 month period, if we use the figures David supplied above, a b5 blogger will earn about 500-700$. A difference of, let’s just say 350$ for argument’s sake.
It would then take our young blogger about 3 months to recoup that 350$. At which point their b5 blog would have earned them another 500$.
Deci, nu e chiar asa de usor sa incepi sa castigi bani din bloguri…