Yeap, we finally reached Antalya and our destination, Kremlin Hotel.
I am impressed, though the reviewers here were not too happy with their stay. The complex is BIG, but I cannot yet tell what and where, since we got here at around 5 pm, at night. And yes, it was raining all day today.
We went to Daniel‘s (you cannot read the blog from Turkey, since is banned here) room to change and to get to the Opening Cermony.
It was impressive, this is all I can say. I am speechless and I am getting a good idea of what JCI is really about. I will attend a training for first comers to a World Congress and I will probably know a lot more.
Afterwards, we attended the Turkish Nights Party, where I had a great time (I haven’t dance that much in the last 7 years). I haven’t seen so many people of different cultures and race in the same place in my entire life :) Anyway, we found out something: the music is the universal language, not mathematics :)