Cel putin asa zice aici.
Se pare ca nu se vor lua in calcul decat acele linkuri adaugate de cineva (un editor, un blogger etc.) la site-urile lor, nu acele linkuri create artificial pe site-urile de sociale.
“I would not worry too much about a blog post that doesn’t seem to exist. That said, keep in mind that PageRank is roughly based on the quantity and quality of the links pointing to a page. Traffic from self-created bookmarks does not really play a role in that, at least not directly.
“If you have great, unique and compelling content then chances are that people will want to refer their friends to it, no matter if they originally found the link to your site on a social bookmarking site or through word of mouth.”
Bine, traficul de la site-urile de sociale ramane, asa prost calitativ cum e, dar s-ar putea ca in scurt timp sa nu mai fie ok drept campanie de link building (bineinteles, daca aveti continut misto, care va atrage linkuri natural datorita aparitiei pe site-urile de sociale, atunci se schimba povestea).