I still can’t recover from the trip back from Antalya, this being the reason the post about the good and the bad things of the JCI World Congres in Antalya still isn’t published. It will be later this week :D
Anyway, the world doesn’t stop spinning, even if I would want to, so I am invited to talk about political blogs at one of the national TV stations in Romania, Antena2, tonight at 9pm. The reason for this invitation is that on the 25th of November there are euro elections in Romania and a lot of politicians started blogs during the last months, the last one being former president Ion Iliescu.
You can watch the show here, but it is unlikely you will understand anything, unless you speak Romanian or Italian (you will understand about half, if you do speak Italian).
Ah, I hate civilization sometimes (I have to go to the bank, meet with people…). Give me a laptop, a cabin in the mountains, high speed internet, snow, the girl I like (even if she might not like being cold too much) and I will not bother you for half an year :)
Later edit: I’ve added the show here. It is in Romanian, sorry, folks.