This article is the first in a series that deals with Business Blogging and Corporate Blogging. The idea was given to me by the participants at the JCI World Congress in Antalya.
If you got here, you basically know what it’s about. But, just to make sure we’re talking about the same thing, let’s try a simple definition:
A blog is an internet website which respects a certain structure, defined by the reverse chronological order the content appears in on the front page.
A little complicated (and I kept it simple, believe me), but this is exactly what a blog is: a series of articles and texts about a domain of the author’s choosing, arranged in the reverse order they were entered in the database (the latest appear highest on the front page).
A blog is defined by its subject and its author. Compared with ordinary websites, the blog emphasizes the personal experiences of its author (a lawyer keeping a blog will usually write about his cases, about what he believes, usually without specific law terms).
A blog can be defined in greater detail and, furthermore, there are many different types of blogs: personal blog, business blog, photoblog etc. Later, you can read about business blogs.