If you want to understand the VC world, read about investment, understand the views of both investors and ex-entrepreneurs, there are some blogs you NEED to read:
1. Both Sides of The Table – Mark Suster
It’s, in my opinion, one of the most outspoken blogs out there. They guy is a VC now, but he used to be an entrepreneur, so he always has good opinions from “both sides of the table”. I like his blog and some of the articles I recommend are How to Get Busy People to Take Action When You Send an Email (very important, especially if you are cold emailing, though you shoould look for an intro) or Why Startups Need a Well Articulated Strategy (And How to Think About Yours) (self explaining)
2. Feld Thoughts – Brad Feld
The co-founder of TechStars, he used to be an entrepreneur, also. He is also an accomplished writer (he and his partner wrote a book about the life with an entrepreneur which I’ve found really interesting, and he also wrote the first book I’ve read on investing, VC’s and the like, Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist). One model of the articles you may find on his blog is this: Being a Great CEO
3. A VC – Fred Wilson
The first VC blogger I’ve heard of, Fred Wilson is a rockstar of the VC world. Writing daily since… whenever I can remember blogging, I’ve first found out about him from a Romanian blogger and entrepreneur that was always citing him (Dragos). Again, lots of articles, lots of info, you should look specifically in the archive. An interesting thing, he is a dedicated Android user, in love with the OS and what it means (so he mentions often the way he uses the mobile phones in his day to day life).
Do you know other VC or entrepreneurs blogs?