Yesterday I moderated a panel called “Making Games: The Indie Way“. The panel was really interesting and you should watch it here (unfortunately the sound is not the best, being quite low from time to time).
I want to talk about something else. Both members of this panel and members of the Social Gaming panel I moderated some time ago mentioned at some point that they were lucky at some point in their developing games life. And not only once, but several times.
This gives you the impression that developing successful games is a lot of luck, most of the time. Actually, a good friend said that she got the impression building games sounds more like magic than a proper industry.
I just want to tell you that I don’t think luck is that important, though. It doesn’t matter what you do, I just think that luck is just the result of your work, of your efforts and of the opportunities you create for yourself. We were “lucky” to get into Startup Bootcamp, but that is luck only if you take out of the equation all the years before when we build different businesses and games.
Thomas Jefferson said “I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” I totally agree with it.