A good friend sent me this video of Malcolm Gladwell talking at Google and presenting his new book, David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants.
The talk starts with a different way of understanding the biblical fight between David and Goliath:
– the sling that David had was capable of great accuracy and of a similar impact as a .45 caliber bullet
– Goliath was probably almost blind and slow moving.
This means that, basically, the guy with the best technology and speed won. As it should :)
Watch the one hour presentation below. Another interesting thing is that Malcolm Gladwell was the first person to participate in the now famous Google talks :)
P.S.: a similar idea to what this guy is saying I’ve seen described in Brad Gilbert’s “Winning Ugly” book about tennis. It is a good read even if you are not a tennis enthusiast.
And, not related to this, I forgot to hit Publish on this post yesterday, so I am publishing it today (even if with an earlier date, to fit into Saturday Video).