About a year ago we got a dog. It’s a small, Westie dog, called Sami. Full of energy and always happy to run… to somewhere or to someone.
This meant we were actually thinking of getting a house with a yard. You know, a space big enough for the dog to run around and for us to enjoy the grass and the trees.
The problem is, though, that unless you’re paying a lot of money, any of the good options available were outside of the city. And I realized how much the convenience of city life has changed us in the last 10 years or so.
Just to give you an idea: one of the things we looked at when deciding on the area was if Uber Eats delivers there. Or if there’s a cinema in 10 minutes of driving. I mean, really?? Because this eliminates 95% of the options in a good enough price range.
For the moment, we decided to stop looking for a house. We’re still living in an apartment in the city. But who knows, the dog might wear us out, at some point. I mean, going out at 11pm because that’s what he DEMANDS (Westies are like this) is a lot more difficult than opening the door to the yard, wouldn’t you think?
P.S.: the dog in the photo is not our westie (which is small and white). He’s a dog we rescued several years ago and who’s now the ruler of my parents’ yard. Even when he’s sleeping under the flowers.