While we were in Startup Bootcamp one of the things we heard was to get introduced to investors, not to cold call them or cold email or anything similar.
One of the reasons this should happen is because a lot of investors consider that a good, committed entrepreneur should find a way to get introduced to them. Even more, getting an introduction means that you already convinced someone, hopefully a good connection to your target investor, that you are worth his time.
What all of this means is that you need to grow your network: talk to people around you, get introduced, find people that have similar interests with you aso.
One thing I found to help a great deal with network is to speak in public if you have the chance. Find subjects that you are really good at and talk about them: programming, business, it doesn’t matter. Even if you think that people already know what you know, even if you think it is really basic, you would be really surprised to find out how many people don’t actually know what you do or don’t see things as you do.
Getting an investment is not easy, as I always said on this blog and as people that’ve done it also say. Take any shortcut possible.
Photo: Collage of a large group of people faces from Shutterstock