I’ve been waiting for The Last of Us Part 2 for a long time. So much so that I pre-ordered the Collector’s Edition and I also pre-ordered it on PSN, downloadable, just to be sure I can play it today, on launch day :D
I know there’s a lot of talk right now online about the changes in the game, about the leaks, about the politics of the creator and how it can be seen in the game.
I genuinely don’t care. I enjoy the game (in my 4th hour or so right now). It fills in so much of the world that I wanted to know in the first game that I could just explore, I don’t even care too much about the story right now. Not that I don’t (I do and I like how it started), but exploration makes it worth it for me all on its own.
This means I will not be reachable in the next several days. In case you wondered :))
As a suggestion, I’m using Guide Fall for tips on The Last of Us Part 2, in case you get stuck or you want to get the maximum out of your experience.
Oh. And the Collector’s Edition? A great box, a statue of Ellie, some pins, some tatoos, a bracelet (Ellie’s), the game in metal case, an “Art of The Last of Us Part 2” booklet. And a message from Neil Druckmann. In two languages, since I bought the game in Portugal: Portuguese and English.
Now I’m off to continue playing.