About 6 months ago I’ve discovered Score! (I think Cristi, my co-founder at MavenHut, told me about it). It’s a game for both iPhone and iPad, but I only played it on the iPad.
Score! is a kind of Pocket Planes for football. Basically, you take goals scored in the last 30 years or so and try to recreate them on the iPad screen. Based on the level (Amateur, Professional), you set up directions, shot power and let the game unwind and gain stars and points based on accuracy.
Initially it felt like a stupid game, I must admit, but with every goal I would go forward I would get more and more into it. So much, actually, that I wanted to buy a goal package (you have some initial ones, and some additional that keep updating, with goals from World Cups, Premiership and similar).
The thing is I haven’t deleted from my iPad it since I downloaded the game the first time, though I do not play it that often. And, thinking of it, I really, really enjoy it, from time to time (especially on longer flights, when I am tired and unable to focus on reading and the inflight entertainment is boring).
So, if you have the time and care to have a non-realtime football game, you should give it a try.