When I was a kid I read as much as I could about UFOs and unresolved mysteries of the past and the present. Of course, as I grew up, I kinda forgot about UFOs and it became this funny thing from childhood and the interesting part of some SciFi TV series I watched.
Today, though, I found an “>interesting article in New York Times asking the reader to make an effort and imagine that UFOs are actually real and that governments around the world hid this from everyone for a long time. What happens then?
One immediate effect, I suspect, would be a collapse in public trust. Decades of U.F.O. reports and conspiracies would take on a different cast. Governments would be seen as having withheld a profound truth from the public, whether or not they actually did. We already live in an age of conspiracy theories. Now the guardrails would truly shatter, because if U.F.O.s were real, despite decades of dismissals, who would remain trusted to say anything else was false? Certainly not the academics who’d laughed them off as nonsense, or the governments who would now be seen as liars.
“I’ve always resisted the conspiracy narrative around U.F.O.s,” Alexander Wendt, a professor of international security at Ohio State University who has written about U.F.O.s, told me. “I assume the governments have no clue what any of this is and they’re covering up their ignorance, if anything. That’s why you have all the secrecy, but people may think they were being lied to all along.”
The article is worth reading since it’s really thought provoking: Even if You Think Discussing Aliens Is Ridiculous, Just Hear Me Out.
Photo from Close up of light in sky, Sri Lanka Uploaded by PDTillman